Learn to taste like the experts with the tutored tastings at the Great British Beer Festival 2009 held in London (4-8 August 2009). More info on the show...
There are a variety of tastings, taking place in the evening or lunchtime sessions. You will be led through taste, look, style, history and other interesting information about the beers that you try.
The tasting sessions are listed below and places are available now to book online in advance. The tickets are priced at £11 (CAMRA members) / £12 (Non-CAMRA members) and can be bought at the same time as your admission ticket.
- "A Life on the Hop" by Roger Protz
Leading beer writer Roger Protz showcases six beers from his new book "A Life on the Hop" that define his last 30 years work in search for the perfect pint. A book signing will follow after the tasting.
- Champion Beers of Britain by Roger Protz
A taste of the best from this year's competition, including the category winners and the current Champion Beer of Britain, hosted by one of the lead judges and Good Beer Guide editor Roger Protz.
- The Best Bottled Real Ales by Jeff Evans
Jeff Evans, a bottle-conditioned beer expert, will take you through six of his favourite beers taken from the new edition of the "Good Bottled Beer Guide".
- A Beginner's Guide to Real Ale by Melissa Cole
If your opinion of beer is that it's all bitter brown liquid or fizzy lager then come along to this tasting and let leading female beer expert Melissa Cole change your mind. The tasting will feature a selection of styles and strengths to suit all.
- Meet the Brewers hosted by Simon Jackson
Simon Jackson will host this popular tasting with six of the UK's finest brewers, each one guiding you through their finest beer.
- The Best from Belgium by Tim Webb
Tim Webb, author of the new edition of the "Good Beer Guide Belgium", presents six traditional and unique beers from Belgium.